Latest Past Events

Presentation of MAREN at Electric & Hybrid Marine Expo Europe

RAI Amsterdam

Anna Margret Korneliusdottir, Senior project manager at Icelandic New Energy will present the findings and recommendations that have come out of the report written by the MAREN project. Link to registration and program program:

Maritime Energy Transition in the Nordics

Øksnehallen Halmtorvet 11, København

Project MAREN – End conference. Konferencen finder sted i forbindelse med Scandinavian Maritime Fair som foregår i dagene 14-15 maj 2024. For køb af billetter: Scandinavian Maritime Fair Klik her for program.

Nordic Innovation Projekt: The Maritime Energy Transition


As part of the Annual Nordic Green Shipping event at the Finnish Embassy in Copenhagen, the Vaasa Region Development Company & Danish Maritime will present the findings and recommendations that have come out of the report written by the MAREN project. Join us for a day full of interesting panel debates, technical & industry deep […]